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Member Directory

Oregon Thespians Member Troupes

Click here for All Oregon Member Troupes. No Solicitations Allowed to member emails. To protect schools and prevent spam, you must sign in to your school name account to access additional information via our Shared Drive.

Team ONEderful Oregon

Volunteer Here!

How can YOU can get more involved with Oregon Thespians? Become part of Team ONEderful Oregon and volunteer for ONE job! Together, we are the team of volunteers who make Oregon Thespians happen.


Access the Team ONEderful Oregon volunteer jobs chart here to see what kinds of jobs are available. You must log in to your school name account. 


For Troupe Directors interested in running for the State Board of Directors, please submit your self-nomination, or nominate others, using this NOMINATION FORM LINK by March 15. Then, one of the nomination committee Troupe Directors will contact you with more details.


Committee Heads & Committee Members

Lara Okamoto

Main Stage at State

The Production Adjudication and Response Committee is led by a Troupe Director whose production was previously selected. The committee includes additional adjudicators who respond to all submitted productions, and review and select the main stage productions for our State Festival.

Tom Cavanaugh

Parade of Troupes

At State, each troupe submits ONE STATIC SLIDE to show their Troupe's events, activities, and productions of the year. This slide show is presented during the general assembly at State Festival.

Clara Liis-Hillier

S.T.E.V.E. and Guest Artists

State Thespian Educational Vendor Expo (STEVE) is for educational and other organizations to share resources, sell theatre related items, or provide information to attendees. Guest Artists are solicited each year, including national, regional and local professionals who provide exciting, interactive workshops in performance, design, and technical theatre.

Michael Payne

State One Acts

The One-Act Play Marathon includes Chapter Select plays for troupes vying to be selected to represent Oregon at the International Thespian Festival in June, Freestyle plays from troupes presenting everything from staged readings to plays to other talent. Playwriting winners also stage their plays as a part of the One-Act Marathon.

Steven Beckingham & Lori Daliposon

Tech Challenge

Each troupe forms their team of technicians who participate in a variety of stations challenging their technical skills. Example stations include quick change costume, hang and focus a lighting instrument, legging up a platform, sewing a button, knot tying, and more.

Annie Kaiser


Plays written by students are adjudicated for the State Festival and receive written feedback.

Sophia Trimble

Alumni Committee Head

Alumni wanting to get involved in supporting Oregon Thespian events should contact our current Alumni coordinator. Volunteer jobs include assisting at State with the information table, signing up seniors to the alumni program, chaperoning evening events, being venue hosts, assisting with Junior Thespian State Day, and more.

Laura Steenson


The Scholarship committee reviews applications for all students requesting scholarship funds.

©2025 by Oregon Thespians.

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