College Auditions
When offered, this event takes place at State Festival, requires pre-registration, has limited slots, and is open to current inducted HS Thespian Juniors (11th graders) only to be seen by colleges and universities. More details are found in the SOP below.
To register:
Only Inducted HS Thespians who are currently enrolled juniors, attending State Festival, and will graduate high school in Spring 2025 may audition for college and university programs at Oregon Thespians College Auditions.
You will fill out and submit the application form online by the deadline. Follow rules for the application form. You will upload your ONE PAGE resume, a photo or headshot, and design portfolio (design/tech students). If you do not upload a resume, headshot, and/or portfolio, you will bring it with you.
Optionally, you can upload a video (performance) or digital portfolio (design/tech).
For more specific information on preparing for the Design/Tech Auditions, click on the Guide to Technical Theatre Auditions.
After your audition, you will work directly with each college/university on your "short list" about their GPA requirement.
To participate in auditions, you will need:
All audition materials (application, headshot, resume, portfolio, and video if you have one).
Technical Auditioners will upload their design/technical portfolio as described in the Guide to Technical Theatre Auditions.
FEB 27: Applications open for students
MARCH 20: Registration DEADLINE for students & colleges/universities wanting to participate
1 WEEK PRIOR TO STATE: Participating colleges begin viewing applicant submissions via a spreadsheet downloaded from student applications
STATE: Unified College Auditions in person; callbacks posted same day
After State, students will work directly with colleges of their choosing and the Oregon Thespians portion of this event will be considered "closed."
Scroll down on this website's home page for current event dates.
Location: Salem Convention Center, Salem, OR
Actual Event Schedule TBD and will be shared with registered students. Exact time slots will be determined as students check in at State.
Sample Schedule:
12:00-1:00 P.M. College Auditors check-in & Student Auditioners sign up for slots
1:00-5:00 P.M. Performance Audition slots (2 min. per) /
Design/Tech Student Portfolio Review by Design/Tech Reps (5 min. per)
6:00 P.M. Call back lists posted
During S.T.E.V.E. Individual Student-Rep meetings/Callback Interviews (bring portfolio)
American Academy of Dramatic Arts
AMDA College & Conservatory of Performing Arts
Carroll College
Central Washington University
Colorado State University
Eastern Washington University
George Fox University
Linfield University
New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts
New York Film Academy
Northern Arizona University
Pacific University
Pacific Lutheran University
Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota
Seattle Pacific University
Southern Methodist University
Southern Oregon University
University of Evansville
University of Montana
University of Wyoming
Webster Theatre Conservatory
Willamette University
The Young Americans College
In order to save you an additional expense, OR Thespians does NOT use getacceptd.com as our registration site. However, it would behoove you, though, to go to getacceptd.com and start your FREE portfolio. Many college programs are using getacceptd.com as a way of pre-screening students by looking at your portfolio. They have access to your information during the audition/recruiting season and may go back to your file for updates for added resumes, video/audio clips. They will have limited time to access to your Oregon audition information. All applications must be received by the due date to give the college auditors plenty of time to see your portfolio, if you have an account in getacceptd.com.
Below is the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Manual for College Auditions at State. This document can be printed and added to a hardcopy manual, if desired. Check the date of any hardcopies you have. Below is the most current version.
Also available is the HOW TO guide for Hosts, or those considering hosting.