Keeping a Relationship with Thespians
Oregon Thespians values "Once a Thespian, always a Thespian!" If you are a former middle/junior high Junior Thespian and/or high school Thespian, we want to connect with you!
At the state level, beyond giving back to your local school's educational theatre programs, as a Thespian Alumni volunteer, you can help with State Festivals for both Junior Thespians and Thespians. Roles include helping with registration, running the information table, chaperoning evening events, organizing ballots, supervising the auction room, and more.
For ITS, please enter your alumni information into the Thespian Alumni contact page so you can be included in our roster of Thespian Alumni. In Oregon, also please contact Alumni Coordinator Sophia Trimble for more information about volunteering for State Festival. We'd love to have you!